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Life Energy Reset / Recharge
What if you could tap in a Upregulate your DNA and return to your original design so you may receive more Energy, Confidence, Joy, and Fulfillment in your life. Also our members have reported an improvement in Balance, Health, and Connection within themselves and those around them. This course has an added bonus that will help charge your cells, its designed for those that have been in a stress state for a long time and those wanting the best results the fastest.
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Military Difference
The military can be a stress full place, see what 7 min can make!
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Surrounded by Energy
You can do the Reset/Recharge anywhere, even on a boat. lol
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Top of your Game when life depends on it
Hear what a top Neuroradiologist thinks.
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Do you beleave in miracles?
Boost your confidence, master the field of life, simple as pushing play on video.
What to expect, life is ready for you.
6 Energy Reset Video's
6 Energy Reset/Recharge Video's
You have access to 6 Energy Reset videos and 6 Energy Reset/Recharge videos, each slightly different. Try them all out, you might like using different ones based on how you are feeling or what is going on in your world. Use them as you need them, when in doubt start the video and lay it down beside you as you don't have to lay down every time. More to come.
The Recharge Difference!
The Recharge adds a special energy that super charges the cells. For example if we are batteries that have been in a state of discharge so long we are run down and maybe disease has set in. Disease being the body not at ease for a long time. This will help charge the body for healing and extra energy for those wanting more. So check in with your body and go with the plan that is right for you, and that might change down the road. Good luck on your journey my friends.
The Recharge Difference!
The Recharge adds a special energy that super charges the cells. For example if we are batteries that have been in a state of discharge so long we are run down and maybe disease has set in. Disease being the body not at ease for a long time. This will help charge the body for healing and extra energy for those wanting more. So check in with your body and go with the plan that is right for you, and that might change down the road. Good luck on your journey my friends.
Most people Notice
People notice a calming sensation in their body. Have more mental energy, however their body is more relaxed. When walking they say almost feel like they are floating because there movement is very fluid, while feeling more connected and present with those around them. They just feel better and happier. Some people can feel the energy, from the start. Some it takes more time as there are many factors. It manifest differently each time they use the video reset, and can feel different things moving in their body. They generally love it. Its like stress is an ocean wave pushing you around as it hits your upper body, while after the energy reset that same stress wave is hitting you in the ankle as you have raised up out of the lower state you are in. Same stress, however it just doesn't have the same negative impact. Do you want to cancel out stress and its negative effects?
It is not recommended using the Recharge video at bedtime as people have stated it was hard to go to sleep with the extra energy.
It is not recommended using the Recharge video at bedtime as people have stated it was hard to go to sleep with the extra energy.
What happens in the body
When the Energy Reset video is used it does something magical in the body. It shifts our internal batteries from a discharge state to a charge state. Some call that moving from the Sympathetic nervous system to the Parasympathetic nervous system. In short it takes us out of a stress state where our soul, mind, body, and spirit can communicate freely so that the Devine wisdom that made and created the body can shift it back into a healing state. Some have stated that life long pain went away after the first session. The real miracle is it brings us back into who we were meant to be, before we started adding all this junk to our lives. Many people have amazing effects from first reset, however the real benefit is staying in this state long term while our cells are replicating and replacing all the cells in our bodies. In fact with a Heart Scientific HRV scanner I have measured clients slowing down and reversing the aging process. Does a higher quality of life interest you, want to have more fun and enjoyment in your life?
Meet the instructor
Rowdy Koenig RN DA
Rowdy Koenig started his journey to his purpose when he was 10 yrs old, when his dad asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. His response was I just want to help people. His dad responded you should be a nurse, all they do is help people. So Rowdy became a RN, he has been a nurse for over 16 yrs and specialized in the ICU. As someone always interested in health and medicine, when he had 2 patients in the ICU in their 40's both with heart attacks, he new something had to change as the world was getting sicker at a much younger age. Something had to be done and what we had been doing wasn't working. He started seeking and on his journey founded a wellness center with a hands on modality that helped people so much more he left bedside nursing. However it wasn't his purpose and calling, however one step closer. After much prayer and meditation he had a vision from God and is now using what he was shown in the vision to help humanity remember who they are bringing better communication btwn the soul, mind, body, and spirit. After a session many of life's problems simply go away, its straight up like an easy button for your life. Don't believe me, try it for free and if its a good fit for you, use it and share it with someone you love. Although many people have profound experiences after a session, most notice they are calm, move more easily, and just feel better.
Patrick Jones - Course author